Thanks for visiting our web site. We are very proud of our Sions and invite you to see them for yourself. Pictures of breeders as well as birds that are presently for sale can be viewed with the click of a finger! We are breeding from the best old line Sions available. Some can be traced back over fifty years. This particular family is responsible for three All-American, 5 California State Hall of Fame winners, Awards, AU Hall of Fame Winners, three Walt Disney awards (best in California) and 100's of combine winners. Moreover, they are the most beautiful pigeons you will ever own. We are also very proud  and thankful to the American Racing Pigeon Union for selecting Skylake Sions to receive the Elite Breeders Award for 2016.

I have been racing pigeons for over 40 years winning 4 California State Hall of Fame, several  AU Champs and numerous Average Speed Awards flying in a 50+ members club. And of all the pigeons I've ever owned, I've never had better or more beautiful birds than the Sions I own today. We all know quality pigeons are the quickest road to success and I'm confident these birds are sure to enrich you're loft. Remember, no one can promise you more than pedigree and health; and I guarantee you both. Thanks and drop me a line! 
Yours in the Sport,

Mike and Paula

Contact Information

209-482-2422 cell
Postal address
19105 Del Mar Dr.
          Cottonwood, Calfornia 96022
Electronic mail
Dr. Mike Brown:
For purchases in Japan, contact K. Yasuda Good Pigeon Center:
+81 (090-8938-5009)

+81 (072-793-9001)

Japan Address:

K. Yasuda Good Pigeon Center, 1-3, Kinshoudai, Kawanishi City,

Hyogo Pref.,

666-0135 Japan