"War Lord" In 2002
Y.B.s he was 1st 140 mi, 6th 185 mi, 9th, 265 mi,
15th 140 mi, 6th 300 mi. and Stocked. Sire "Black
Surprise" Equal 3 times first and
stocked. 2nd Hi Point bird in club. He
bred 1st 300, 1st 400, 6th 185, 2nd 400, 4th 375.etc. He was
1st in show in class. Dam is "Miss
Predictable:" She Flew 4-500 & 4-600 mile
races. 1st @ 500. She has bred many
winners! A beauty. From the "hit
Pair"! "Le Noir" and
"La Femail Noir" 10 winners!
| "Black
Widow" Direct daughter of
Black Panther who in 2002 Y.B.s was 3 times equal firsts! 1st 300 mi,
1st 232 mi (equal), 1st 185 mi (equal) and 5th 185
miles and stocked. Dam is "My Princess"! My no. 1 foundation hen.
She has bred 7 race winners! She was 2nd
in show in class for 2 years. She is a
direct daughter of "Princess"
AU 91 NSH 5031 and "Blue Noir"
AU 85 NSH 357.Sire is
"Handsome" who bred 8 winners last count!
Sire to "Black Widow" is “Prince”
Direct son of “Princess” the best Sion the past
15 years on the west coast with over 30 winners.
“Prince” is sire to "JuJu"
California State Hall of Fame 10-25
Lofts 2002 Young Birds! This hen flew all 8 races
scoring 6 equal 1st place. 1st 302mi (equal), 1st
232 mi (equal), 1st 265 mi (equal), 1st 185 mi
(equal), 1st 232 mi (equal), 1st 185 mi (equal), 9th
150 mi, 19th 140 miles. She is once in a lifetime
pigeon! "Prince" also has bred
2 x 1st at 300, 1st 175 and 4
diploma winners. He was 1st in show in
class! A true foundation cock!
He is a direct son of "Princess" AU 91 NSH
5031 the foundation hen of my loft!