Skylake Sions
2005 Old Bird Series -
Butte Creek Invitational Club
- 1st Short Average Speed 1199 ypm
- 1st Long Average Speed 1133 ypm
- 1st Overall Average Speed 1173 ypm
- Champion Loft 637 Points
- Champion Bird (Flown by Universal Loft) AU 02 SKY
1043 BC Hen "Houdini" 1st 230
miles, 1st 185 miles, 2nd 200 miles, 5th 288 miles. She was retired this
year with 7 -1sts, a 2nd, and many more top finishes!
"Houdini" Champion Bird
breeder pair # 11
- Notable Performances this Season:
- Our birds won 10 races in 2005 Old Birds
- AU 04 SKY 500 Red Check Hen "Iron
Maiden" won 1st 550 miles, the only day bird, flying 15 hours 13
mins, against 25-30 mph headwinds all day! She was also 2nd 300 miles.
"Iron Maiden" See
breeder pair # 25